AIWA - The Unified Voice of the Waterway E-Newsletter March 2021

The March 2021 AIWA e-newsletter is here! Please click below to read updates on the federal appropriations process, NOAA’s transition to electronic charts, Waterway Guide’s new app, and our 1,000 boaters in 100 days membership drive.

Read entire newsletter here

The Voice of the Waterway is emailed to the AIWA Membership. It is also available for viewing by clicking here. Please feel free to contact us with questions, comments and information requests.

AIWA Mission

Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association

The mission of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association is to encourage the continuation and further development of waterborne commerce and recreation in the Intracoastal Waterways of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida through the promotion of adequate dredging, safe navigation and maintenance; to work to ensure the US Army Corps of Engineers maintains the waterway at a 12-foot depth at low tide, as authorized by Congress; and to educate the nation and the region about the historical and economic value of the waterway to its citizens.